
Generation 1 & 2 Profiles

Here are the profiles for the first two generations of Redmonds, for your reference!



Katherine Redmond

Aspiration: Family (Big Happy Family)
Traits: Clumsy, Family-Oriented, Creative, Domestic
Career: Stay-At-Home Mom
Spouse: Eric Lewis
Children: Jackson, Viola, Briar, Emma, Tansy, Bran, and Loretta



Eric Lewis

Aspiration: Fortune (Mansion Baron)
Traits: Glutton, Materialistic, Self-Assured, Business Savvy
Career Track: Mixology
Spouse: Katherine Redmond (formerly married to Alice Spencer-Kim)
Children: Olivia (with Alice); Jackson, Viola, Briar, Emma, Tansy, Bran,
and Loretta (with Katherine)





Jackson Redmond

Aspiration: Romance (Soulmate)
Traits: Gloomy, Music Lover, Jealous
Career: Stay-At-Home Dad
Spouse: Alexander Goth
Child: Ibrahim




Viola Redmond

Aspiration: Knowledge (Renaissance Sim)
Traits: Slob, Lazy, Foodie
Career Tracks: Criminal, Secret Agent, and Culinary
Spouse: Whitley Corbett
Children: Sailor, Yuri, Victor, and Lewis




Briar Redmond

Aspiration: Family (Successful Lineage)
Traits: Loves Children, Good, Music Lover
Career Track: Stay-At-Home Mom
Spouse: Stacy Gallo
Children: Farrah and Octavia




Emma Redmond

Aspiration: Creativity (Painter Extraordinaire)
Traits: Clumsy, Neat, Collector
Career Track: Stay-at-Home Mom
Spouse: Yetzi Tang
Child: Joanne




Tansy Redmond

Aspiration: Creativity (Bestselling Author)
Traits: Music Lover, Glutton, Romantic
Career Track: Stay-At-Home Mom
Spouse: Federico Sierra
Child: Deon



Bran Redmond

Traits: Geek, Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors
Aspiration: Knowledge (Computer Whiz)
Career Track: Stay-At-Home Dad
Spouse: Edith Corcoran
Children: Sydney and Laurie



Loretta Redmond

Traits: Art Lover, Gloomy
Aspiration: Family (Big Happy Family)
Career Track: Veterinarian
Spouse: Kian Zambrano
Child: Stephen



The Redmonds are also available in the Sims 4 Gallery! I actually uploaded them a few weeks ago, so the download will look like this:


Regrettably, this does mean that Loretta is not included. However, she is included with the Generation Two family download, since she was still living in the house while Viola and Whitley were raising their family.


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