
The Redmond Legacy: Chapter 5.4

Welcome back to The Redmond Legacy! I forgot to get a family picture, apparently ;;;;; but basically the household consists of the current heir, Mark; his wife, Gabriela; their son, Tybalt, who just became a Child and who I’m currently planning to make the generation six heir; and their dogs, Pumpkin (the grey one) and Bacon. Gabriela had just gotten pregnant again at the end of the last update.


03-11-19_10-03-36 PM

A rare sight: Gabriela going to the in-home gym to exercise instead of to dance!


03-11-19_10-05-23 PM

While the current Cousins Club was over I took a moment to note how much Tybalt (on the right) looks like his cousin Raymond (on the left; the son of Mark’s older sister, Amy, and her wife, Lizbeth). Children have pretty undefined features compared to how they’ll look when they get older, so I’m curious to see how much they’ll resemble each other as Teens.


03-11-19_10-08-04 PM

One of the factors that goes into who I choose for the heir is which parent they take after: if they look more like the legacy spouse than the legacy heir, I tend to rule them out, because I like seeing the Redmond family looks carry on from one generation to the next. That said, Gabriela is so cute that I’m hoping every spare takes after her. 😛


03-11-19_10-12-48 PM

So Harvestfest started with three gnomes showing up, as always. The first was easily appeased. The other two…


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… not so much.


03-11-19_10-23-38 PM

Gabriela: “What are you talking about? I appeased the last gnome on my first try!”

That’s how cute Gabriela is: not even lightning-happy gnomes can strike out at her.


03-11-19_10-26-48 PM

Mark got to be my first sim to give his kid parenting advice. He and Tybalt are both very pleased with themselves about it.

(I really, really wish sims could be BFF’s with more than one person. Mark and Gabriela are BFF’s because of her Soulmate LTW, but he and Tybalt are so close that I want them to be BFF’s, too.)


03-11-19_10-32-25 PM

Autonomous father-son gym time!


03-11-19_10-36-54 PM

I admit, I also wish that sims could autonomously ask to feel babies. (P.S. Shoutout to EA for making that a request rather than something sims automatically have permission to do!)


03-11-19_11-04-07 PM

Since it was still Harvestfest, I had Mark invite his siblings and their kids over. Everyone promptly went back outside to witness the first snow, and to take the whole idea of family togetherness a little too literally.


03-11-19_11-16-33 PM

… Amy, I appreciate you giving me another chance to compare your resemblance to Rosa, but this is not the method I had in mind.


03-16-19_9-28-16 PM

The next day Apollo called Mark and invited him to the gym, so I had Mark invite the rest of their siblings (and cousin Duke) along for good measure.


03-16-19_9-31-40 PM

He didn’t invite Apollo’s wife, Sophia, but of course she went to the gym anyway because she and Apollo are literally inseparable. (They remind me so much of one of my sisters and her husband.)


03-16-19_9-31-47 PM

… okay, y’all, I appreciate the obvious effort to keep from merging into each other, but you don’t have to take it to quite this extreme.


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Mark actually did work out for, like, not quite a sim hour… before hastily deciding he had better things to do.


03-16-19_9-41-36 PM03-16-19_10-30-29 PM

One more quick extended family update before switching focus: two of Tybalt’s cousins became Teens! (Matt and Antonia’s son, Jamison, and Amy and Lizbeth’s son, Raymond.)


03-16-19_9-37-50 PM

When Mark got back home, Pumpkin was right next to him when the lot loaded, like she was greeting him at his return. I thought that was really sweet. ❤


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Reason #239873432 I’m glad the leaf piles no longer almost immediately rot: Tybalt got to go play in one, was absurdly adorable while doing so!


03-16-19_10-00-11 PM

He has also apparently inherited his parents’ love of eating a giant bowl of peas as a nice snack, which… I mean, I guess?


03-16-19_10-08-07 PM

See? Like mother, like son.


03-16-19_10-09-16 PM

Me, immediately: I SHIP IT


03-16-19_10-12-00 PM03-16-19_10-12-57 PM

I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen, but Gabriela did, in fact, finally go into labor…


03-16-19_10-14-41 PM

Which meant she got to be my first sim to give birth at the hospital! (Yes, I bought myself Get to Work.)


03-16-19_10-16-32 PM03-16-19_10-16-39 PM

Gabriela did all the usual things–checked in at the front desk, casually broke the fourth wall…


03-16-19_10-17-21 PM

Mark, meanwhile, ran through the halls in a flailing panic…


03-16-19_10-17-40 PM

… until he found a hospital computer he could use to sim. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


03-16-19_10-23-03 PM



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Even after it apparently dawned on him that Gabriela was actually giving birth, this was as close as he was willing to get. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


03-16-19_10-22-34 PM

To be fair, I’ve never liked the look of this machine, either. (And can we just take two seconds to talk about how, given the truly awful state of maternal health care in the US, it doesn’t sit well with me that this giving birth animation does the little ~accidentally pulling out her heart~ bit?) I do love my game’s doctor, Tracy, though! She actually looks the part. Like I bet she just has a very calm, competent presence.


Since I’m keeping up the alliteration theme with siblings in gen 6 (Rosa & Raymond, Jamison & Julia, Artemis & Athena) and I couldn’t think of another T name, I decided to name Mark & Gabriela’s daughter Tracy after the doctor!

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